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How Did We Get Here?

The Facilities Improvement Bond Proposal is the result of several years' worth of facility assessment, public input, and review from MPS staff and industry experts. On this page, you'll find more detail about the process that led to the bond proposal, including presentation files, reports, and more.

Presenting Two Scenarios

Before the Facility Assessment workshop, a committee was formed to review and evaluate nine different scenarios. Based on these evaluations, administrators, committee members, and project partners from Barton Malow and French & Associates examined factors such as classroom occupancy, cost models, and geographic mapping.

From that work, two scenarios were presented at the December 2023 Facility Assessment workshop, and the researchers then presented their findings to the board members and community. 

Public Input on Proposed Scenarios

Focus Panel Overview
During September 2024, a series of sessions were conducted to gather insights from key demographics within the Midland Public Schools (MPS) community. Participants included high school students, long-time residents, business and community leaders, non-profit partners, support staff, parents of preschool and elementary students, as well as parents and teachers from secondary education.

Each session commenced with a 10-minute pre-recorded video that set the stage for discussion. Following the video, participants engaged in a series of questions focused on identifying facility needs within the community.

Additionally, an online survey was made available to all community members and staff during September and October, allowing for broader input on the community's needs and priorities.

Focus Panel Session Slideshow (PDF)
Focus Panel Video Presentation

Public Insights on Auxiliary Facilities
During September and October, Banach, Banach & Cassidy, Inc. (BB&C) conducted an online survey about two facility-related scenarios being considered for Midland Public Schools' May 2025 bond proposal.

The online survey was completed by over 1,600 Midland Public Schools parents, employees, secondary students, and community members.

Public Online Survey Results (PDF)
Focus Panel Survey Data Presentation(PDF)

Watch the October 2024 Board of Education Meeting

Bond Program Recommendation

Midland Public Schools recommended the bond program after reviewing survey results from focus groups, the community, and staff members.

The Application for Preliminary Qualification of Bonds

During the December Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Penny Miller-Nelson requested the board's approval to sign the Midland Public Schools Application for Preliminary Qualification for Bonds. The motion passed unanimously with a roll call vote.

Watch the December 2024 Board of Education Meeting

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