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Forward Together Community Newsletter

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!

This newsletter will be published twice monthly to provide district news and information.

Change in Newsletter Format
You may have noticed that this newsletter is different from the Communique. As part of our District Communications plan moving forward, we have changed the newsletter to this new format to provide you with more relevant and informative content in a clear and concise manner. Celebrations of individual schools, teams, and students will primarily be shared via our District social media channels. We are open to your feedback on this new format! Please email us at or see the contact section at the end of the newsletter.

Ways We Communicate
Midland Public Schools strives to be transparent, respectful, and informative in its communications. We use a variety of tools to communicate directly with students, parents, staff, and the public.

Lead with respect, trust, and courage. Ensure an equitable, collaborative, and inclusive culture. Enable all to achieve success.

Phone: (989) 923-5001

Visit MPS's Communication's page to contact a member of the Midland Public Schools Team