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Media Requests

All media requests should be directed to Sarah Duley, manager of communications and customer service,, 989-923-5026.

Visiting sites: Media occasionally visit schools to report stories or promote our incredible students, staff or events. Media should contact the manager of communications before visiting a campus. Media must sign in at the school’s front office.

Photos/videos: Students and parents are permitted to opt out of the release of certain information, including photographs or videos. The school will work with media to identify who can and cannot be photographed or interviewed.

Emergencies/crisis communications: When solicited, the district will work with the media to provide a written statement or to schedule an interview time. Our first priorities are to protect students and staff and communicate with parents. We will then provide timely information to the media. During a significant emergency, media may be assigned to a designated location to ensure their safety and minimize disruptions to emergency response efforts.