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Volunteer Application

Thank you for inquiring about being a volunteer! Sharing your time and talents with our students has a positive impact on our community, strengthens relationships between teachers, parents, and your child, and gives you an inside perspective to activities within our Midland schools.

The safety of our students is our highest priority. Whether you're helping out in a classroom, participating in afterschool activities, chaperoning a field trip, or offering to drive, all volunteers will have a background check completed once they submit an application. Volunteer drivers must show proof of current auto insurance and registration, and overnight chaperones, coaches, and student teachers must submit fingerprints. We at Midland Public Schools appreciate the extra steps taken by every volunteer to ensure the safety of our students!

The Raptor Volunteer Application can be found in the link below:

Volunteer Application

Please contact the District Volunteer Coordinator at (989) 923-5782 or with any questions regarding volunteering.


Jenny O'Connor
District Volunteer Coordinator